Fadwa Fayez Nassif (Kallab)
Personal information (Title & Position):
Consultant in environmental socio economy
North Leb 3 (Zgharta, Batroun, Becharreh, Koura)
Political Sector:
Electoral List:
Main Electoral Topics:
National level: sovereignty, independence of the judiciary , accountability, extended decentralization, productive economy, sustainable development Local level: capacity building for municipalities, contact with donors and twinning cities, fight for environment against pollution of cement plants and queries, develop new and more suitable agriculture than olive trees, infrastructure and mainly renewable energy
Area(s) of Expertise:
Advocacy, citizenship, environmental socioeconomic studies for UN agencies, capacity building for municipalities and NGOs, cultural heritage preservation
Higher studies, Mathematics and environment
• Consultant in Environmental Socio-Economy for UN agencies, municipalities
• Activist
• Publications, lectures and workshops in regional and national tribunes on: transparency and accountability, citizenship, freedom of association, capacity building for Municipalities and NGO’s, poverty, climate change, forest fires, water, solid waste, quarries, role of women in sustainable development…
• Contribution to national laws and initiatives in collaboration with parliamentary commissions, ministry of environment, UN agencies…
• Advocacy in court, national supervisory bodies (state council, central inspection) and international agencies (World Bank, EU, UNESCO, USAID) to protest against environmental violations (fuel storage zones, landfills, wastewater treatment plants, sea embankment, costal degradation, cement companies and quarries, Bisri dam…)
• Member of the Steering Committee for Efficient Management of Wastewater, Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Countries.
• Founder member of the National Steering Committee for Small Grants, Global Environmental Facility GEF, UNDP
• Founder and board member of many NGOs and coalitions: Byblos Ecologia, Green square
DAEM, Lebanese Environmental Forum (LEF), Lebanese coastal forum (LCF), Zero-Waste Coalition, National Civil Society Parliament Liaison (NCSP) …
• founder and organizer of “Lebanese heritage days”
• Candidate to the parliamentary election for Koura region, on the list of civil society, 2018
• Guest speaker on newspapers, TV and radios (frequently)
• Received many awards and recognitions
